White Papers
APBN has produced two White Papers.

APBN Rapid Brief White Paper:
Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2); Expected challenges and risks to blood safety (2019)
On its emergence in 2020, the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) presented a significant heath threat in the Asia Pacific region, by its ability to impact the blood supply through donor deferrals, illness, quarantine and reduced staff or donor availability, This paper, written in early 2020 outlines key challenges and risks to assist blood sector preparedness, response and implemenation of appropriate risk reduction strategies.

APBN White Paper
Dengue and the Blood Supply
(updated 2019)
This paper provides an overview of the threats and challenges posed by Dengue to the safety and sufficiency of the blood supply in the Asia Pacific region, and offers mitigation and risk management strategies for consideration by blood services operating in the region. This updated version of the paper also inlcudes reference to, vector control programs, the now available dengue vaccine, reports of additional transfusion aquired dengue infections, licensed RNA donor screening test availability and additional references.